Yoga is a diverse and ancient practice that encompasses various styles and approaches. Each Types of yoga emphasizes different aspects of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Here are some of the most popular types of yoga:

Vinyasa yoga

Types of yoga
Vinyasa Yoga

Vinyasa means “breath-synchronized movement,” and in this types of yoga, students coordinate their breath with a flowing series of postures. It’s often described as “flow yoga” because of the smooth way the poses run together

How to practice:

In vinyasa classes, movements are coordinated with your breath in order to flow from one pose to another. Vinyasa styles can vary depending on the teacher, and there can be many types of yoga  poses in different sequences. I personally teach an alignment-based style of vinyasa and choreograph new flows every time, but I also like to hold some of the poses a bit longer after warming up. You can find more information on specific vinyasa poses and benefits here.

Hatha yoga

Hatha yoga is a gentle introduction to the most basic types of  yoga postures. It’s a great place to start for beginners and emphasizes physical postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), and relaxation

Types of yoga
Hatha yoga

How to practice:

Hatha yoga classes are best for beginners since they are usually paced slower than other yoga styles. Hatha classes today are a classic approach to breathing and exercises. If you are brand-new to yoga, hatha yoga is a great entry point to the practice.

Iyengar yoga

This form of yoga is known for its attention to detail, precision, and alignment in the performance of postures. Props like belts, blocks, and wall ropes are often used to assist in performing asanas with perfect alignment.
Iyengar Yoga Self-Practice Sequence — Central Yoga School.

How to practice:

Generally, poses are held for a long time while adjusting the minutiae of the pose. Iyengar relies heavily on props to help students perfect their form and go deeper into poses in a safe manner. Although you won’t jump around, you will definitely get a workout and feel incredibly open and relaxed after an Iyengar class. This style is really great for people with injuries who need to work slowly and methodically.

Kundalini yoga

Kundalini yoga combines postures, breathing techniques, and the chanting of mantras to awaken the Kundalini energy that is said to be coiled at the base of the spine. It’s often considered a more spiritual and meditative form of yoga.Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training India - by Adwait Yoga School

How to practice:

A kundalini class will really work your core and breath with fast-moving, invigorating postures and breath exercises. These classes are pretty intense and can involve chanting, mantra, and meditation. To learn more about this specific practice, check out our kundalini yoga explainer.

Ashtanga yoga

Ashtanga is a fast-paced, intense types of  yoga that follows a specific sequence of postures and is similar to vinyasa yoga but faster-paced. It’s physically demanding and involves a lot of strength and flexibility.

Ashtanga Yoga: Poses, Asanas, Benefits (and much more..) | Gympik Blog

How to practice:

Ashtanga yoga involves a very physically demanding sequence of postures, so this style of yoga is definitely not for the beginner. It takes an experienced yogi to really love it. Ashtanga starts with five sun salutation A’s and five sun salutation B’s and then moves into a series of standing and floor postures.

Bikram yoga

Also known as hot yoga, Bikram yoga consists of a series of 26 challenging poses practiced in a room heated to a high temperature. The heat is intended to promote flexibility and detoxification.

How to practice:

The sequence never changes and includes a series of 26 basic postures, with each one performed twice. Many of these poses are focused on proper alignment. If you’re interested in yoga with the heat turned up, look for studios that offer hot yoga classes.

Yin yoga

Yin yoga is a slow-paced practice that involves holding poses for an extended period, typically 3-5 minutes or more. It targets connective tissues and aims to increase flexibility and promote relaxation.

Turning Inward with Yin Yoga - Thrive Global

How to practice:

Yin is a great class for beginners, as postures can be held anywhere from 45 seconds to 2 minutes. The classes are relaxed, as you’re supposed to let gravity do most of the work. Check out our crash course on everything you need to know about yin yoga, found here.

Restorative yoga

This style is all about relaxation and stress relief. It involves gentle poses held for extended periods with the support of props like blankets and bolstersRestorative Yoga Poses for Beginners Practice At Home -

How to practice:

You’ll spend more time in fewer postures throughout a restorative yoga class. Many of the poses are modified to be easier and more relaxing. Like Iyengar, many props are used and placed just right, such as blankets, bolsters, and eye pillows. All of the props are there to help you sink deeper into relaxation.

Prenatal yoga

Types of yoga
Prenatal yoga

Specifically designed for expectant mothers, prenatal yoga focuses on poses and breathing techniques that can help alleviate discomfort during pregnancy and prepare for childbirth. Top 8 BEST YOGA FOR STRESS RELIEF

How to practice:

During this practice, you’ll use props in order to modify your poses and ensure stability—in this class, it’s way more about stability than flexibility.

Anusara yoga

Anusara is a modern-day version of hatha yoga, most similar to vinyasa in that it focuses on alignment, but with more emphasis on the mind-body-heart connection. It was founded by John Friend who created a unique system called the Universal Principals of Alignment. He resigned in 2012 after accusations of sexual misconduct and financial mismanagement. Friend has since partnered with Desi and Micah Springer to teach the Bowspring method.Anusara Yoga: Guide to History, Methodology, and Scandal - YOGA PRACTICE

How to practice:

Anusara focuses on spirals and how each body part should be moving, and it’s also known for its emphasis on heart opening. Expect to stop in class and gather around a student as the instructor breaks down a pose.

Jivamukti yoga

 Jivamukti is a spiritually oriented style that incorporates meditation, chanting, and a strong physical practice. It also emphasizes ethical and environmental principles.Jivamukti Yoga Poses Types: Get A Brief Idea - 101YogaStudio

How to practice:

A series of chants usually open the beginning of class, followed up by a series of poses that align with the five tenets of Jivamukti yoga and philosophy.

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